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Unrest in Egypt and the Wave of Change in Middle East

২৭ শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১১ সকাল ৯:০২
এই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করতে চাইলে :

Revolution in Egypt and Tunisia in very recent days is the most important topic of modern international politics. It may be considered as the most important incident of twenty first century. If you observe this revolution, apparently you can define it as a result of class conflict. Because in Tunisia Ben Ali and his family members plundered money and served the western capitalist’s interest but the general people were totally destroyed. Egypt has same situation. If you observe it from the media gallery, you can define it as a revolution against ruling elite of Tunisia and Egypt. Because Ben Ali and Mubarak were long time dictator of these countries backed by U.S.A. on the other hand Mubarak train up his son Jamal as the next president of Egypt. But in true sense if you observe the recent incident in Middle East you can see that here is a great revolution from the depressed people against the Western Capitalist influence in the Arab society.
In this revolution, Islamists’ participation facilitates to accelerate the issue. But this demand rose from the deepest instinct of mass people of Middle East, specially Egypt and Tunisia. New media helped this revolution to rich in its culmination. For this reason, Mubarak government cuts off the internet and all mobile communications in Egypt.
The revolution in Middle East is basically a revolution for democracy. It is revolution against a long time dictatorship backed by western preponderance over the region. Questions can arise why so called democracy assist a dictator in Egypt? Here is a big question mark (?)! It can be an interpretation of this question that the Western capitalistic countries used democracy as a façade to ensure their self-interests. On the other hand mass people of Egypt were scapegoat of their tactics.
After the change of Tunisia, when the revolution began in Egypt, then the whole political order of the modern world has a chance to face a change. Modern political thinkers argued that this revolution against Ben Ali and Mubarak is a result of past revolution of Iran and other Arab countries. They commented that if the revolutions of Egypt will success then its effects will spread other countries of Middle East. This changing situation is called as ‘Domino effect’ and ‘copy cat’ system. From the past political history of the world we see that, in the decade of sixty when the people of Vietnam struggled for their own right and freedom then whole world saw a radical change in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
In Egypt political order, we see that, Egypt was reformed in 1798 by an Ottoman commander named Mohammad Ali. From 1798 to 1801, Mohammad Ali reconstructed the infrastructure of Egypt. But in 1839, some European countries interfere in Egypt and want to influence its economy for their own interests. On the other hand the Suez Canal and irrigation for agriculture relate Egypt with European economy. For these causes and influences a puppet government established in Egypt. But in 1881, some landlords and military officers wanted to abolish this puppet government by a reformation movement. They wanted to establish a parliamentary form of government.
But within a year, Egypt faced an aggression by British capitalism. In 1919, Egypt got independence from British influence through a nationalists’ movement and diverted itself into a regular monarchy. But Egypt was not totally free from British influence. Its security and foreign policy was controlled by Britain. After the military coup of 1952 led by Jamal Abdel Nasser, the monarchy of Egypt was abolished and the British control was decreased from Egypt.
From 1952, Egypt became a one-party state. The name of that party was Arab Socialist Union. After the death of Nasser in 1970, Anwar Sadat, one of the prominent leaders of Middle-East became the president of Egypt. In 1976, Sadat created a multi-party political culture in Egypt. The Arab Socialist Union changed its name as National Democratic Party. From that period, Egypt was ruled by National Democratic Party and Hosni Mubarak is the last president of that party.
Muslim brotherhood, a movement of Muslims of Egypt, blamed as a fundamentalist and reactionary political party, established in 1929. This movement was the largest Islamic political organization of Egypt. Young Muslims are the main part of this party. American interest in Egypt was strongly protested by this movement. As a strategy of America, in 1952, this party faced a severe political depression and harassment by ruling party backed by Europe and Western Capitalist Society. Government of Egypt banned all political activities of the Muslim Brotherhood.
After the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981, Muslim brotherhood recognized as the only alternative of other extremist Islamic movements due to its liberal political culture. After this recognition, In spite of ban, the Muslim brotherhood started its new journey and participated in elections.
In post-Sadat period, Hosni Mubarak became the president and gave freedom to all the newspapers of Egypt. As a result, newspapers and social sites became the only watchdog of Mubarak government. But Mubarak is a pro-western and pro-Israel president. He is another puppet president of Egypt. He always preferred the interests of capitalists and westerns and denied the general interest of Egypt. For this reason, mass people of Egypt became revolutionary to survive their interests. In their revolution, new media and social sites helped them to organize the movement in Tahrir square. . Demonstrations have also been held in other cities, including Alexandria, Ismailia, Assiut, El Mahalla El-Kubra and Suez. Muslim Brotherhood has a great contribution for this movement.
But this movement against Mubarak is basically a movement against U.S.A. and its western allies. Political thinkers and observers considered this movement as a path of the fall down of unipolarity of U.S.A. After 2 weeks of the movement against Mubarak the American government and their allies become anxious about their control over the politics of Egypt. They try to keep the situation in their own control. U.S.A supported Mubarak and tries to establish peace with a consensus and dialogue. But the people’s blast over the military and armed forces of Egypt tensed the U.S.A policy maker about Egypt. Barak Obama already pointed about a new order in Egypt.
Here are some important issues for Western capitalists and Islamic movement.
From the history of Iran it is clear to western countries that the Islamic movements of Egypt will not serve their interests. So they want to keep Mubarak in power and try to select an alternative option for Egypt. They try to protect their own interest and attributional relation with Egypt.
On the other hand Islamic movement of Middle-East and Iran want to change the political order of Egypt and establish the general will of Egyptian people so that the influence of U.S.A will degrade and the third wave of democracy will destroy. Here is a big chance for Islamic movement of whole world to cope with the Western power centre.
In this revolution of Egypt, main actor is a Facebook group named “6th April movement”. This group has not any clear political identity. But it is imagined that this group is backed by Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. Another important group is named as “National Association for Change”. This group is also backed by Muslim Brotherhood.
In modern political order the unipolarity of U.S.A and its power will be degraded for this revolution. Another important affect is that, power of Israel will be decreased. Israel, which regarded as a cancer of Middle East, will face a severe threat for this revolution. Obedient Middle East countries will be blasted against U.S.A. U.S.A try to control the whole situation. But predictors frustrated American policy makers about Tunisia and Egypt. As a result, foreign policy of U.S.A will face some problems for the Middle East region. Meanwhile, the American Obama government started to face criticize for this situation. American political thinkers and critiques pointed out the normative foreign policy of Obama government as the main cause for this problem. Lobbyist political parties of several Arab countries will lose their holding position. Israel can lose its influence in Palestine.
On the other hand, by this demonstration, Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt can get power. Sarah Palin, whose foreign policy knowledge has been framed by a proclamation that she can see Russia from her house, has come out to criticize President Obama’s handling of the Egyptian ordeal about the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Egypt. This issue became a controversial issue. Evan, in America, Noam Chomsky commented that, this demonstration is not radical Islam, but it is independence of general people. This revolution can affect all other Muslim countries of the world, especially in Asia and Africa. As a result, this revolution can affect the political situation of Bangladesh. Islamic political parties have a chance to change the political order of Bangladesh due to the “domain effect” of the revolution of Tunisia and Egypt.
In the concluding point it can be said that the fall of Mubarak is a threat for western capitalist society. Political thinker commented that, it is a reflection of the theory of “clash of civilization” by Samuel Huntington. Francis Fukuyama described in his reputed work “the End of the History” that democracy is the last human government of the world. Recent revolution of Egypt is nothing but the ending warning of democracy backed by western capitalism. Political thinkers argued that, in near future, there will create a big chance for the opposition of U.S.A to abolish the foundation of western influence. Whole world will see a new order. There will be a new political order established with true reflection of general people of all countries. World will feel a freedom from the octopus of capitalism.
০টি মন্তব্য ০টি উত্তর

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন

ছবি সংযুক্ত করতে এখানে ড্রাগ করে আনুন অথবা কম্পিউটারের নির্ধারিত স্থান থেকে সংযুক্ত করুন (সর্বোচ্চ ইমেজ সাইজঃ ১০ মেগাবাইট)
Shore O Shore A Hrosho I Dirgho I Hrosho U Dirgho U Ri E OI O OU Ka Kha Ga Gha Uma Cha Chha Ja Jha Yon To TTho Do Dho MurdhonNo TTo Tho DDo DDho No Po Fo Bo Vo Mo Ontoshto Zo Ro Lo Talobyo Sho Murdhonyo So Dontyo So Ho Zukto Kho Doye Bindu Ro Dhoye Bindu Ro Ontosthyo Yo Khondo Tto Uniswor Bisworgo Chondro Bindu A Kar E Kar O Kar Hrosho I Kar Dirgho I Kar Hrosho U Kar Dirgho U Kar Ou Kar Oi Kar Joiner Ro Fola Zo Fola Ref Ri Kar Hoshonto Doi Bo Dari SpaceBar
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